I will get right to the point. The question you need to ask yourself right now: What TWO things will you do differently next year to ensure 2020 is a raging success?
A coach asked me that exact question at the end of 2018 and it helped me create one of the most successful years of my professional career. And it can help you too.
Thinking of all the questions you could ask, why ask yourself this one?
Because the question forces you to do a few very important things all at once.
First, before you can think about next year, you need to think about this year. How was the year? Did you hit your goals (did you have goals?)? What worked? What most certainly did not work? What did you accomplish or not accomplish? What opportunities did you seize and which ones did you miss?
Second, it asks you to think about your idea of success. To be able to answer this question well, you need to think about how you define success. Do you want a raise, increased income, better health, additional education, more adventure or greater stability?
Close your eyes. Sit for a moment (really). What do you want to see for yourself in 2020? Can you quantify what success will be for you in at this time next year?
Lastly, the question asks you to narrow down your actions to just TWO. There are literally an infinite number of paths you could take to improve your odds of success in 2020.
Placing your bets on just one path forward is risky. Placing your bets on too many paths will fragment your focus. That is why the question asks you to think about just two paths forward. It may not be easy to select just two paths forward, and that is exactly the point.
If you can place only two bets, where will you get the biggest return on your investment?
So, sit back, collect your thoughts and ask yourself this very important question: What TWO things will you do differently next year to ensure 2020 is a raging success?
Best of luck to you - and let me know what you come up with!
